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Investing money needs careful consideration and you need to be absolutely sure of the risks involved. This section provides generic information on different types of saving & investment. You should seek advice appropriate to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.

The value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested.

Investment Overview

Investment Overview

This document looks at the different investment vehicles available to the individual investor together with the key points to note. This is an at-a-glance guide with more detailed information being contained in the other documents on this page. The value of investments and income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested and the levels, basis and reliefs of taxation are subject to change.

Deposit Based Investment

Deposit Based Investment

In this document we look at all the various deposit based investment vehicles available in the marketplace today and what they mean to the individual investor.

Asset-backed Investments

Asset-backed Investments

Here we attempt to explain in simple terms all the different asset backed investments open to the individual investor, from contribution levels right through to taxation treatment of each investment.

UK News

The surprise inclusion of VAT to calculate tariffs prompts questions over the possible impact on British businesses.
Thousands of drivers are taking part in the strike action over pay and working conditions, a union says.
Parents should be able to use vouchers, the regulator says, but restrictions on discounts should remain.
The water company says the cap on what it can charge customers for the next five years is too low.
They say the US should re-evaluate its cyber-security partnership with the UK unless the "dangerous" request is withdrawn.